From: pbj@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: new stuff Date: Sun Aug 21 21:00:45 1994 well i just had to make dinner for myself again and so hence another recipe this one is a stew of sorts made up of shark, tomatoes, and garlic being the most prominent flavor features.... Tomato garlic and shark stew this recipie is based on what i made for myself so the proportions are mad e for 2 small servings or one large one... 1 filet of shark cubed (i suppose any other firm fish would suffice though) .5 cups of onion chopped 1 small potatoe diced small .5 large tomatoe chopped (very ripe!!!!) 2 cloves garlic chopped freshly ground pepper salt red pepper and cayenne (available in a powdered form) juice of a small orange .25 cup of plain yougrt 2 tablespoons butter .25 cup of Uncle Grant's SALUTE sundried tomato and garlice dressing (optional but it really makes the dish!! available from health food stores i would think) .5 cup frozen peas in a pan suitable for the servings you wish to make melt butter and sautee onions..after the onions hav started ot turn translucent add garlic and potatoes...stir and let begin to brown...add shark cubes and enough warm water to cover the ingredients + .5 inches..add tomatoes, spices, half of the dressing, and juice..let boil uncovered until potatoes are tender..add water during cooking to maintain consistency and water level during cooking time..add the yogart about 1/2 way through the cookingbut it can be later than that also...add the rest of the dressing and the peas asthe potatoes become tender and let cook until peas are warmed thorough... for best results if using frozen fish defrost in microwave covered with water turning halfway through defrost time...also using a skillet would be best for this dish because of its large bottom and relatively low sides... you may also wish to puree a part of the stew to produce a creamier consist... the flavor of this dish is contingent on the amout of water that boils away...if you would like a stronger flavor use more water..if not use just enough to allow sufficient cooking.... i hope you all enjoi this one cause i sure has great texture, color and the shark picks up the flavors exceptionally well... let me know if you try this one... pbj