From: jujubee@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: Best Pizza? Date: Tue Aug 16 21:40:20 1994 THE PASTA BUCKET????!!!! Sounds REAL appetizing.... ;) *jujubee's rendition of a brief "Pasta Bucket" scenario....* Waiter:'s your bucket of pasta, ma'am... (PLOP!) Female Patron: WOW! Do you think I could get a bib w/that??? Waiter: Oh, duh..I forgot...(fumbles in his pocket and pulls out a wrinkled, checkered, pasta-encrusted bib)! (tosses the bib at the patron) Female: Well, how do you expect me to empty my pasta bucket???? Waiter: Oh, duh..I forgot...(fumbles in his apron and pull out a shovel) Here you go! (tosses the shovel at her) Enjoy! Waiter shuffles off to serve his next victim....