From: jujubee@yabbs To: Cat@yabbs Subject: re: pesto Date: Fri Aug 12 16:24:39 1994 YES I EAT BRIE WHILE MY KITTIES DINE ON PATE! Heheheh....i've had brie...i think i've had pate...but i never buy either of these things on a regular fact, i don't think i've EVER bought pate before...well, is that "ocean fish" stuff in the orange can labeled IAMS considered pate??? hehehehe...tht's what i feed my dear, sweet kitties! :) poor it really so awful up there in VT? AT LEAST YOU CAN BREATHE! :) I surely can't say tht for here.... :( jujubee---------->who has cast aside all continental ways to stay good friends w/her pal, Cat....