From: rick@yabbs To: 8charact@yabbs Subject: fried green tomatoes Date: Thu Aug 11 23:50:36 1994 for those of you yankies who havn't tried them heres how it's done you need 3 to 4 med to large green tomatoes..thats the ones that are about 2 weeks from turning red. they must be firm to the touch 2 cups yellow corn meal place enough greese in a large frying pan so that the bottem of the pan has about 1/4 inch of greese. slice the tomatoes in slices about 1/4 inches thick. put the 2 cups of corn meal in a plate and batter the sliced tomatoes one at a time and make sure that you cover them well. fry them in the greese untill brown NOT BURNT.. salt and pepper to taste there great alone or with other dishes this should serve about 4 to 6 people unless you like them like i do then there a meal for one..