From: balistic@yabbs To: Hrothgar@yabbs Subject: re: sun-drying Date: Thu Aug 11 17:16:24 1994 Brian's recipe for boiled water: supplies: 1 cauldron (extra large) various sub-munitions lifted from an old Air Force weapons depot 1 frankferter (the kind with the cheese in the middle) water (the wet kind) 3 live nudibranks (sea slugs) a gas oven First place the cauldron in an ex-boy/girl friends kitchen. Take the sub-munitions and place them in the cauldron. Now stand back and admire your work. Manipulate the frank so that it is facing due south and begin remove your clothes. Once in the nude, take one of those little styrofoam cups from under your ex's sink and begin to fill the cauldron (yes, one cup at a time!). Now open the oven and turn on the not light yet! Timing is critical! Now take whatever is in the garbage and replace it with the food in the fridge. Let the garbage chill for 31 minutes. After the garbage is chilled and the former-contents-of-the-fridge are defrosted, place the live sea slugs in the cauldron. Now begin tossing (under haned mind you) the garbage in to the cauldron. Don't forget to leave the styro-cup in the garbage (depletes the ozone don't ya know) and light the oven. After the mushroom cloud dissipates and the rubble stops smouldering, you should find that in the pot there should be something that resembles a boiling liquid. WARNING!!! DO NOT DRINK THE LIQUID!!! THIS EXERCISE WAS FOR AMUSEMENT PURPOSES ONLY!!! after recovering from the burn ward, you may feel hungry for a baked potato, the directions are as follows....... :)