From: dmonger@yabbs To: balistic@yabbs Subject: re: Cheap food. Date: Wed Aug 10 13:55:23 1994 ah, its just as easy (but a bit more expensive) to make your own pizza you just need to invest in a pizza stone (bout 25 bucks) then you can have all the pizza you want. Buy the dough from a pizzarria if you want to save lots of time. Pizza Sauce: olive oil, garlic, salt, peper, one of those large cans of peeled italian tomatoes (not tomatoe paste or pureee or the crushed ones but the whole kind) put 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a heavy saucepan. Add one (or three :) cloves of finely chopped garlic and some black peper. Cook over low heat so the garlic sizles but doesn't brown for about a minute. drop in all the tomatoes (not the juice tho, just use a fork to transfer the tomatoes over). Add some salt and turn the heat up to cook off all the liquid. while its cooking, crush the tomatoes up witha big wooden spoon so you don't have humongous lumps (you will always have some, just not lots :). once its nice and thick you're done then you have to make the pizza -peter who is considering getting a pizza stone to take back to CMU with him