From: jujubee@yabbs To: Pickle@yabbs Subject: re: Cheap food. Date: Mon Aug 8 11:47:51 1994 It's this colored powder that you add water to...sweetened/flavored sugar water! Some comes pre-sweetened (which was a big thing when it first came out, i might add! ;) ) and the original packets are about 20 cents a paket and come w/no gotta add about a cup or so to make it consumable hey, i'm not trying to knock KoolAid...i grew up w/the stuff! My mom always bought Wyler's the huuuuuuuuuge cans! I loved Grape Wylers...the lemonade wasn't bad, either....thus creating the birth of Country Time heart still lies w/Wyler's....Since I came from a big family, we had to buy the cheapie Suave shampoo! hehehehe