From: Death@yabbs To: Typhon@yabbs Subject: re: sharks Date: Fri Aug 5 13:27:04 1994 All too true, my friend. As to why predators are good looking: wouldn't YOU like it if a stupid animal who thought you were "cute" came right up to you, practically into your jaws (ie that stupid woman in Alaska who jumped the fences around a polar bear's cage to get closer for a better picture of the "polar bear that looked SO cute when it was asleep..."). It's yet another tool they employ to catch their pray. And wolves, as well as most other predators, ARE "harmless cute." They will only attack humans if the humans attack them first. We stupid humans think that WE own the world, but the animals don't see it that way, and if we invade their territory they respond the same way that, for instance, the US would respond to an invasion from Canada: they attack back. (that was TOTALLY hypothetical, so don't get on a thread about how that'll never happen, please). my 2% of a dollar's worth --Les