From: Typhon@yabbs To: Death@yabbs Subject: re: sharks Date: Fri Aug 5 09:41:56 1994 When I said that Wolves aren't "Cute" (BTW: I'm The Former Badger01...Seems I really want to change my name, huh? I keep doing it.) What I meant was that they aren't HARMLESS cute. People like the way wolves look, but don't want them around them. The same with Mountain Lions Re; Cougars Re: Pumas, whereas the human population loves them if they stay penned up in a distant valley instead of attempting to fulfill their niche in the ecosystem. Hell, Badgers are very attractive animals...Predators are usually Aesthetically pleasing (Why this is isn't clear) and if you look at what Humankind has made domestic for the sake of Pets as opposed to meat, the overwhelming majority were predatorial...but the ones in the wild we assasinate. Typhon the Usurper