From: Death@yabbs To: Badger01@yabbs Subject: re: sharks Date: Fri Aug 5 03:21:47 1994 Hey! Who ever said wolves aren't cute? sure, they're vicious predators, but once they get to know you, they are actually VERY friendly, as well as extraordinarily protective. They are also one of the most intelligent "wild" animals that lives on land. I had the opportunity to study a wolf, up close and personal (although at first I didn't get too close) a couple of years ago, and I found that after about a month or so, he was actually playful. (this doesn't just happen in the movies). granted, I have a couple of scars from him nipping at me, but I learned a lot obout wolves, and animals in general from it. --Les Keep in mind that not only do humans taste bad to other animals, but they also, as was said earlier, are the worst killers of animals and destroyers of animals' environments that EVER walked, crawled, swum, or flew on the face of the earth.