From: Badger01@yabbs To: Patton@yabbs Subject: re: sharks Date: Wed Aug 3 13:17:31 1994 Why do you think sharks attacking surfers is negative? Sharks are PREDATORS...they eat meat, and yes, occasionally they mistake surfers for seals...but they don't eat the surfers, they bite them, taste the man taste (For some reason I don't understand, Humans are the most unpalatable animal to 99% of the worlds predators) and usually let go (NOT always, but usually) And even if they don't, do the ten or fifteen attacks a year really equal the MILLIONS of sharks killed every year? Doubtful, and besides my point is that Sharks, Wolves, and other endangered animals, while not cute and friendly like the dolphin, are even MORE important to the foodchain (Without natural arch predation, species expansion leads to species extinction) Save our meat eating uncute bretheren! Badger01