From: Patton@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: the good Dr. Date: Tue Aug 2 09:19:13 1994 Natalie-- this may be a little off the enviro subject, but the Good Doctor K, just cracks me up. Not what he does, but how he goes about doing it. He assists and the courts tell him no. He assists and wins in court. He assists and wins in court again. The MI legislature passes a law forbidding assisted suicide. He assists two or three more times before the law goes into effect. He assists the week the law goes into effect to challenge the law. He wins in court. Etc, etc, etc. If they were casting the part of a creepy pathologist, this guy would get it hands down. He is unapologetic. He is readily defiant of anything in his crusade. He is Jack the Dripper. The guy just cracks me up. -Patton Live Free or Die!