From: htoaster@yabbs To: Zbadba@yabbs Subject: re: Generic, all-purpose reply Date: Fri Jul 29 19:16:24 1994 > Who knows how many cases of lung cancer can be attributed to hemp? zero. the only deaths that have ever come from hemp have come through accidents while high (like crashing a car). no deaths can be attributed to hemp itself or smoking it. of course since it is an illegal drug not a whole lot of careful scientific study has been done on it. what has been done was done by very biased organizations and has been considered un-useful by the scientific community. with regards to smoking it hemp does have some different properities from tobacco in that it opens up the lungs, making it easier for your lungs to expell the smoke itself. tobacco doesn't have this property. this is one of the reasons that hemp is seen as having some medical uses for the asmatha community. disclaimer: i don't have any direct evidence for this, and it all comes as hearsay from the hemp faq and other sources that i've read. if you're in more of this stuff you should read the hemp faq, which you can get from alt.hemp or or /pub/usenet/alt.drugs. alex