From: Zbadba@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Generic, all-purpose reply Date: Fri Jul 29 18:19:55 1994 First, I am a member of Greenpeace, tho, like any organization, it has its problems. Second, it is absolutely true that CFC's don't decompose ozone. They are, however, a catalyst; it is the exposure of ozone to UV radiation in the presence or CFC's that leads to a breakdown. Third, Hemp kills. Just as alcohol kills, cocaine kills, or apple juice kills. Everything you consume contains something toxic to your body. The Cypress Hill album (if I remember correctly), attributes a high death toll to alcohol which includes accidents (i.e. DUI). Not only do they ignore the accident factor, they also ignore other factors (i.e. the damage the smoke inflicts on your lungs, etc.) Who knows how many cases of lung cancer can be attributed to hemp? That's all for now.