From: Famine@yabbs To: Deluge@yabbs Subject: re: Hemp and America Date: Thu Jul 28 05:34:57 1994 In message re: Hemp and America, Deluge said: > Thats the biggest load of bullshit I have ever heard...Have you ever heard > of people who've got blunted, try to drive, and kill theirselves? I have. > Although not as many as alchol, it has happened. Also, in 1987 17 people > died on a train because the conductor had been smokin' pot, and he screwed > up big time. > The answer to your statement is so obvious, drink driving is dangerous, no thats too kind, stupid, irresponsible and anti-social. But so also is driving whilst under the influence of other narcotics. Its not the drug thats doing the killing in that situation its the person who is unable to respond to a situation as the result of being intoxicated. In the case of alcohol, you won't blame the drug would you Deluge, so why blame pot for the train crash? Famine. p.s. I think I should have changed the title to Heap and the World and Large!