From: hawke@yabbs To: pbj@yabbs Subject: re: consumption Date: Wed Jul 27 03:38:17 1994 pbj not to sound like i am bashing ya or nothin but the last time i checked trees were a renewable resource . yes it does take longer to grow but that is why selective cutting was created. you selectively cut certain trees and leave others to grow then you replant the trees you took in the end everything ballances. and as far as pesticides trees dont need those either . I was born and raised in a small northern wisconsin town that survived off of the paper mill there i have been to many of there operations because my father is a foreman there using selective cutting process i have never seen an area were the wood was harested for our mill that suffered. we still had plenty of animals and birds and bugs in those areas as in others in fact there were at times even more because it created open spaces for food to grow for the herbavores. well thats enough for nowoh one last thing the mills in wisconsin also used a mixture of 50% wood 50% recycled paper now i cant speak for the rest of the mills b ut this works just great and wiscosin still has lots-o-trees. :) hawke