From: Death@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: consumption Date: Tue Jul 26 00:53:22 1994 I agree with both of you completely... If our nation were to reuse half of what it recylces, insteadof making more things and recycling them, our environment would be much better off... Did that make sense? I don't think it came out right... oh well.. anyways... I also usually carry my backpack with me, whenever I'm going to need a bag, because the amount of paper and plastic wasted on bagging things that people could carry themselves anyway is enormose. For example, I work at a Baskin & Robbins I Scream store, and frequently ppl come in and by 1 pint of ice cream, and then ask for a bag for it. In my opinion, this is ridiculous, because the contaner is better insulated than the bag is, and is probably easier to carry at that. The way people waste in this country, just because there is something TO waste, drives me nuts... If we wliminated a lot of things (like all the thousands of bags used per day in A supermarket) then ppl wouldn't waste them... Ah well, it looks like I'm rambling again... my $.03 --Les