From: Patton@yabbs To: Covenant@yabbs Subject: Coal Mines Date: Mon Jul 25 08:46:21 1994 Covenant-- I have seen SE Ohio and I agree that it is just a shell of what is was a few decades ago. But I have a story that will make you even more upset. Remember all the talk about acid rain back in the mid-80s? It was killing our forests, killing our lakes, and eating the paint off of your car at the same time. The FED government spent a couple hundred million dollars on a study of the problem using the best minds in the US. Essentially it was an effort to kill the coal industry in the US. It was believed that the report would show coal as the "Anti-Christ" of fuel sources. It showed nothing of the sort. Sen John Glenn took the report to the floor of the Senate and testified that the report showed that emmissions from coal plants were not the cause of a majority of acid rain. And that acid rain was not nearly as large a problem as the media and environmental groups had portrayed it as. He testified that for whatever the cause, increased PH in northern lakes could be countered with miniscule amounts of lime. Yet, Environmentalist groups refused to believe the report because their assumptions about coal were stronger than the burden scientific proof. The regulations on coal mining were not repealed and parts of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia look like Dresden after WWII. -Patton Live Free or Die!