From: Deaska@yabbs To: thantos@yabbs Subject: re: Greenpeace Date: Mon Jul 25 02:06:19 1994 hehe... your drift? i don't know.. but greenpeace has this stigma of college students with nothing else to do but go to demonstrations an' wave banners, an' do browneyes at the cops... maybe, jus maybe its critics take a peek at the corporate side (well, i'm not sure that's the ideal use of the word corporate), but believe it or not, greenpeace is a bit more organsed than that thantos.. sure, we have the demonstrators doing the stuff that the 6 pm nightly news jus loves to focus on... but greenpeace is a helluva lot more than that... *warm smile* btw, i am in no way defening greenpeaces actions, i'll leave the emotions out of it :) er.. thats (defending) hehehe shit my typings farked... D' ps. shuddup steyr *smirk*