From: Covenant@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: pro-anti-enviromentalist Date: Fri Jul 22 15:17:40 1994 *sniff* tammie :( say it ain't so!! greenpeace :( sorry, everyone's entitled to their opinions :) I lived above the Cincinnati greenpeace office near the campus for a year and a half. It was always so nice to come home and see them smoking filtered cigarrets on the front step and flicking the butts into the street. I asked one of them about it once (some skinny punk with green hair) and was told "Fuck off". Little bastard almost felt some 'Appalachian fury'. :) And if any of you have talked to me before, you know that my life's goal is to disband the EPA. Come see the Ohio Valley coal mines sometime, if you can find one. The EPA shut us down: big time. This is a discussion group so I don't really feel bad about slamming environmentalism though I'm not exactly against it. It can be taken too far. Hollywood is hilarious too. Michael Stipe from REM (sorry Natalie :) ) led a big protest about 5 years ago against deuterium. He said it was being used to make nuclear weapons. When someone goes out and protests the making of water, I think things have gone too far. Oh well, looking forward to reading this group, Covenant, who will probably be in jail soon for using the internet from this site