From: Globe@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Earth Date: Mon Aug 15 22:55:33 1994 Hey all I have to say is dont fuck oup the planet because one day, everybody will make a big mistake, and we will die, it doesnt matter if it is of cancer because of the ozone and all those morons who use spray cans that use cfc's I admt I use them too, but only 1 everynow and then. And look at the garbage problem, I have read that if we use garbagew at the present rate, we will have covered the earth in grabage by the year 2157. Well I am not an environmentalist, as most of you know, I am only 13, and I just want to live a healthy life and now have to put on sunblock 5,000,000,000,000,000 everytime I go outside of the house. Well Later Globe