From: dmonger@yabbs To: Pinochet@yabbs Subject: re: don't cry for the ecosystem Date: Mon Aug 15 15:25:07 1994 In message don't cry for the ecosystem, Pinochet said: > I agree with you, every specie is unique. Every specie has rights. I > have a right to quality health care, or so Bill says. I also have the > right to affordable housing, or so Bill says. I feel that animals are > impinging upon my rights! In fact, they are denying me my rights! and we're denying them their lives ... hmmmmm > How can I have my house when the spotted owl makes it so I can't get > lumber? How can I have affordable health care if the Furry Tailed Vole > won't allow me to help build that superhighway because it migrates across > the Old I-80? I am being denied my rights...I am the victim here! > > And when the annual frog migration hit back in the summer of '83, how many > people died because they didn't allow ambulances to exceed 10MPH? (see > the Oregonian 8/11/83, pg 8B). Don't people matter more than a frog, no > matter how rare that frog has become? I'd agree that a person's life or health matters more than an animals, but not that their comfort does. The argument that animals should die cause i want a cheap new home doesn't work for me. > And why is that frog and other species endangered? It is because they > have failed to adapt to their new environment. They have been left at the > curbside of hisotry. It isn't our fault, it's theirs. Other species have > thrived since the introduction of man, like the deer. The deer adapted, > they deserve to go on. the deer adapted mostly because we killed off all their natural preditors. and by this argument most things that kill off people are okay too. Lets have a nationwide drug problem, it will kill off the weak and feeble. > In everything we do (from going to church on sunday to going to Woodstock > '94 to get really loaded on shrooms) we change our environment. Don't > apologize for it, revel in it! changing is inevitable, destroying isn't.