From: laelth@yabbs To: Pinochet@yabbs Subject: re: Ecosystems Date: Sun Aug 14 00:08:59 1994 In message 123 Pinochet asked: "Why cry for the ecosystems?" I'm concerned about the millions of species that are unique to each ecosystem because I believe, firmly, that every species on this planet has a RIGHT to be here. I also believe that humans have no right to deny any species existence. It may be true that we have caused some species to become extinct. It may be true that nature allows some species to become extinct on their own. That's evolution. But what humanity is doing to this planet at the moment is not right. So many species have become extinct in the last century that scientists can't even gauge how much damage we've done. It's tragic. It's unjust. And we're responsible! That's why I, and a lot of people like me, are "crying" about ecosystems. -laelth