From: laelth@yabbs To: Patton@yabbs Subject: Owls? Date: Fri Aug 12 00:49:14 1994 Hey, it's not about the owls! People in the environmental science biz. call the spotted owl a "bellweather species." They use it to test the general health of the entire ecosystem, that being Northwest American Forests. They mesure how well the owls are faring in order to determine how well the entire ecosystem is doing. It doesn't matter if the owls can survive in an urban setting. If the owls are dying in the forest, then the thousands and millions of other species that live in the forest are dying too. Granted, a few species may even profit from human destruction of the ecosystem, but the logic is that if the owls are dying, then the entire system is thrown out of whack by human intervention. The species in the forest took millions of years to evolve. Some trees live for over a thousand years. Human greed, stupidity, and short-term thinking cannot justify the destruction of an entire ecosystem which has as much right to exist as we do. -laelth