From: balistic@yabbs To: dmonger@yabbs Subject: re: spotted owl Date: Wed Aug 10 20:31:53 1994 the reason I brought up the k-mart sign is that the environmentalists were saying that spotted owls could live nowhere but in old growth....but they were wrong. There's even an owl living in a tree in the middle of a logging camp. The loggers (I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay...:)) feed the the owl by hand!!! My point is that animals can adapt to new surroundings just as we can, hundreds of thousands of people depend on the logging inddustry, we can't just abruptly stop it. I do believe that clear-cutting is wrong and we should limit ourselves to taking only as many trees as we need. I also believe that within the next hundred years humans won't even need wood anymore...we are already beginning to phase away from wood. Just look at how many trees I saved by sending this message by email, rather than snail mail. I see the light at the end of the tunnel. . . . balistic