From: Steyr@yabbs To: Typhon@yabbs Subject: re: Fires Date: Wed Aug 10 20:21:38 1994 Yeah Typhon, that sounds pretty right to me (about OZ having some of the worst fires in the world). But we don't have forest fires or brush fires. We call them bush fires. :) Although I know some places in America have fires as bad as what we have. As for greenies (tree huggers), most of the ones we have hereare more interested in attending protests and stuff just for something to do than out of a serious concern for the welfare of the bush. They think "Wow, if I go chain myself to the front of a bulldozer, I might get my face on TV". Logging is a NECESSARY evil I think. Sure, it has it's bad effects, but we sure couldn't get by without it either. My advice to greenies is to a) get a haircut, b) get a job, and c) get a life. If they are seriously concerned about the bush, there are much better ways of going about it's conservation than protests in loggin areas. We get a lot of that out here, and the interesting thing is, the state the greenines leave the place in is attrocious ! Incredible amounts of rubbish and litter left laying about the place. Steyr