From: balistic@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: Fires Date: Tue Aug 9 14:47:23 1994 I realize forestfires have little impact on the forest as a whole, but when that fire is man-made it kinda pisses you off. All the people that lost their homes to the fire probably feel kind of cheated. I agree that fires CAN help the forest, but this one didn't. Nevada is in the middle of a 10 year drought and thus the trees were as flammable as gassoline. It's scary to watch a tree literally explode into flames, even the adult ones, and within seconds they are nothing more than a pile of smoldering cinders. If we wern't in the drought, and there was actually some humidity in the air (it averges about 5-10% here) the situation might have been different.....maybe the oldgrowth would have spared and the forest could continue .....but as it is there is nothing left on 7000 acre of ex-forest land. And as I'm writing this there are about 3-4 other forest and brush fires within 60 miles of my house. One fire in the middle of nowhere would aid in evolution...but here in nevada it's a freaking (no pun intended :)) warzone. oh well, later Brian "flammable" Prince