From: htoaster@yabbs To: balistic@yabbs Subject: re: Fires Date: Mon Aug 8 20:05:37 1994 the reason that the fire was so big was that the forest had so much fuel in it (baby trees) that it could burn for ages. the big trees (which are a lot more resistant to fire) were cut down long ago for logging purposes. if nature did its thing naturally fires would hit a forest every few years (10 or 12), burn out all of the trees that weren't strong enough, and let the big ones live (darwinism)...forests shouldn't be so thick that walking through them is hopeless...right now they are just way too crowded. let the forest fires burn within the forest, and just build breaks near homes and towns and stuff. the forest fires have been burning for 1000's of years and the forest has survived...we as humans have done a lot more damage to it in the last 100 years than it ever saw before. alex