$$$$ $$ $$$$ $ $ $$ $$ $ $ $ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$$$ $ $$ $$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$ $ $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $ $$$$ $ $ $$ $$ $ $ $$ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $$ $ $ $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $$ $$ $$$$ $$$$$$ $ $$ $$$$ $$ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $$$ $$ $ $$ $ $$$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $ $$$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$ $$ $$ $ $ $$$ $ $$$ $$ $ $ $$ $$$ $ $ $$ $ $$$$ $ .oO[Issue #1]Oo. .oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oO Contents ~~~~~~~~ [1] Some lamers wander by mistake [2] Followup [3] Ursula "Last Gasp" Weber's IRC Log File List ~~~~~~~~~ acdflx02.tif Airbrush By Acidflux babyname.dic Popular Baby Names Of 1990 Password Dictionary phat2v58.irc PHAT/2 v58i Delta IRC Script delacr11.txt DELiRiUM Acronym List v1.1 mflash .c Mail Flash v1.10 By Cha0s E-Mail Address - delirium@cyberspace.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oO *** rayc (rayc@slip220.bga.com) has joined channel #delirium Hey rayc [PhoEniX] [*WallOp*] Anyone know this guy? [-Bluesman-] [*WallOp*] rayc? hi bluesman what's up [-Narcosis-] [*WallOp*] nope rayc: Hey. You on #delirium a lot or something? [PhoEniX] [*WallOp*] I've got an idea. Let's talk like "hackers" ;> sometime, why? [-Bluesman-] [*WallOp*] We are +nst [-Narcosis-] [*WallOp*] heh That's cool. [PhoEniX] [*WallOp*] Oh shit I forgot... [PhoEniX] Finished WallOp on #delirium where you at? So where are we gunna set up the new site? acid: Heh.. Yeah. That NASA system was easy to get into. I found 3 documents that were labeled code purple.. Narcosis - well I got a smooth cray account on a pentagon system... Blues: yeah, some good shit - how much money ya think we could bring in from that? acid: msg me the nfo please! Sounds cool! rayc: We're at home and stuff. What's going on man? are you all on #deliruim? rayc - yeah... hey do you read the la times? Narcosis: Well.. The Black Market guys are assholes these days.. But they usually give out 4000 credits per document blues: not bad... was hopin for more like 8000 tho... Narcosis: I might just trade it in for the Bank of America password how come it didn't show any of your names? nieve human! :) Narcosis: Maybe once they read my summaries on the documents rayc - so you did read the la times article? rayc: We hacked it i c replaced mine with my nick though. any of you know delirium? The guy delirium? Oh sure! blues: did you get the funds transfered yet? He was here.. Said he'd come back when was it? Narcosis: I'm not sure if you really want a $10,000 transaction on a Saturday night do you? About 10 minutes ago? hmm....... blues: was hoping that you got to it yesterday... I forgot. I had to set up all those backdoors last night It's only $10,000 blues: lets be more careful this time tho - we don't wanna make the LA times again, thats for sure! Hehehe.. Yeah Mr. Smut is still pretty pissed. Is he really? what are you all talking about? So he's a friend of yours? rayc: The Bank of America. We just got a transaction account on it damn....... what is the plan? Yeah he gave me 8 visas and root on a cray... Ah well.. Just some boring transacting.. We're waiting for acid to make a checking account blues: how much can we get before being detected do you think? Access Granted! Narcosis: I checked my data sheets, and I believe their pen register flag is set at $100,000, so maybe $50,000? Checking Account # 0207-034922 blues: how long does it take for the pen register to reset, or does it with their system? acidflux: Ok.. Stand by to withdraw and deposit $5000 on my signal Ready. Narcosis: It's instantaneous on this version.. Which is nice BRB. transacting.. Ok.. Should take a few seconds.. rayc - nothing legal... heh heh heh Clear.. acid.. damn....... GOT IT! computer crime???? acid: Ok! I got it here also.. I'm closing and getting the hell outta that.. best kind - minimal risk of being traced... well, i've better get going..........good luck you all!!! *** rayc has left channel #delirium .oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oO *** Inviting gomez to channel #DELiRiUM *** gomez (ucsys@crl5.crl.com) has joined channel #DELiRiUM Hey bro!! *** Mode change "+o gomez" on channel #DELiRiUM by acidflux This is the mag's channel... lately it's just been a hangout spot. is it warez oriented? More hacker-oriented.... the problem with writing about warez is it's so dated.... that's cool.. hacking is becoming so accessable. Wanna see one of the articles? sure It's also sort of a humor mag. Okay, found it! *** DCC SEND connection to gomez[,3316] established *** DCC SEND:/usr3/dustin/delirium.001 to gomez completed 3.741 kb/sec SHell and check it out! Ok Beb *** Signoff: gomez (Ping timeout) *** gomez (ucsys@crl5.crl.com) has joined channel #DELiRiUM Hey!! *** Mode change "+o gomez" on channel #DELiRiUM by acidflux Whaddya think? that look more like a log. sure you sent me the right file? Yeah, it IS a log! hmm hmmm ? whats the point? Did you read the whole thing? well i scanned through it. Um, nevermind =) let me try again. brb *** Signoff: gomez (Ping timeout) *** gomez (ucsys@crl5.crl.com) has joined channel #DELiRiUM Hey! hmm.. *** Mode change "+o gomez" on channel #DELiRiUM by acidflux this time i read it word for word. i can't make sense of it. are you sure you sent me the right log? It's a log of some moron wandering in here so we convinced him we were computer criminals stealing money from Citibank. Then at the very end he catches on and runs out of the channel. i conviced a moron by changing my name to that i was sysop of Internet thereby getting his passworded. Say what? i dont get it. It's not a how-to, it's just an irclog of something interesting that happened in the channel. it has no entertaining aspects to it. nor is it educational. so that's what your magazine is? a compilation of #delirium log? No, it's just something I had offhand..... im hungry. *** Signoff: acidflux (Connection Reset By Peer) .oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oO -PhoenGold:$*.edu- i need conversation with an inteliigent female /who *** ursula is ~ursula@coreys.Berkeley.EDU (Ursula Weber) *** on irc via server w6yx.stanford.edu (From DC to Daylight) *** ursula has been idle for 5 seconds (0 minute(s)) /whois phoengold *** PhoenGold is britt@ANDROMEDA.TAMU.EDU (Luuuve for Sale..Love for saaaale) *** on channels: @#jacuzzi *** on irc via server omega.tamu.edu (Da' Maroon Lagoon of Aggieland!) *** PhoenGold is an IRC Operator <-[phoengold]-> Hey big guy, how's by you? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] hmm? <-[phoengold]-> You said you wanted to talk with an intelligent female? I ain't getting any dumber [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] hehehe...O <-[phoengold]-> so what do you like? music, drugs, etc? <-[phoengold]-> are you still there? -PhoenGold- Pong! *** CTCP PING reply from PhoenGold: 1 second [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] why ping <-[phoengold]-> just wanted to see if you were lagged or something [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] probably <-[phoengold]-> so whatcha interested in? Music, drugs, etc? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] anything wild [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] i do soem drugs occasionally <-[phoengold]-> really? like what? <-[phoengold]-> Acid, E, ketamine...? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] what are you into <-[phoengold]-> I drop acid now and then but I really hate it when the monitor starts breathing [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] hahahaha <-[phoengold]-> What do you like? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] X <-[phoengold]-> That's cool.... what kind of music are you into? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] NIN..sugarcubes ..classic rock <-[phoengold]-> Classic Rock? Like Journey? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] and queen..moody blues..and cream <-[phoengold]-> You like nine inch nails?? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] only if i can fuq yu like an animal <-[phoengold]-> Hehehe.... yeah, I bought one of those "Fist Me" T-Shirts at a concert, great conversation peice. [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] hmm....write down my email address and mail me <-[phoengold]-> Why, do you have to go?? <-[phoengold]-> This has been so much fun talking, I mean we have so much in common! [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] cool huh <-[phoengold]-> Do you have to leave?? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] noe [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] just want you to have it..and mail me <-[phoengold]-> Oh okay, no problem! [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] ever coem to texas? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] what ya look like? <-[phoengold]-> Yes, actually I have a friend in Dallas that I visit every month or so... [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] coem see me [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] i am in dallas often [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] sis lives thee [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] was there last weekend <-[phoengold]-> Hey, keen! We'll have to hook up sometime! [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] what ya look lik? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] blonde? <-[phoengold]-> =P [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] tan? <-[phoengold]-> Actually, I dye my hair jet black... [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] awesome!!!! [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] i once dated a girl with blue black hair [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] what was it naturally /whois phoengold *** PhoenGold is britt@ANDROMEDA.TAMU.EDU (Luuuve for Sale..Love for saaaale) *** on channels: #wylde @#jacuzzi *** on irc via server omega.tamu.edu (Da' Maroon Lagoon of Aggieland!) *** PhoenGold is an IRC Operator [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] saw counting crows in the bomb factory this summer <-[phoengold]-> Another woman? I'm almost jealous =) [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] was a long time ago [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] you not gonna tell me what ya look like? <-[phoengold]-> Well let's see... what would you like to know? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] well i told you ... <-[phoengold]-> I mean about personal appearance? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] i have a 32 inch waist..and an average ..never really measured it ..size penis [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] can alomost have multiple orgasms <-[phoengold]-> Well let's see... I'm about 5'6", caucasian (irish/german actually)... like I said, jet black hair... ummm... <-[phoengold]-> Your turn... what do you look like? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] repeat..all i got was 5 6 nd white [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] i told you ..you said i sound cute <-[phoengold]-> hehehehe... <-[phoengold]-> Ummm... I wear Docs? What specifically did you want to know? <-[phoengold]-> Not to sound forceful or anything =) [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] docs? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] does that mean you are big? <-[phoengold]-> You know, Doc Martins? [E/X] The time is now 04:00AM. [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] nope <-[phoengold]-> The boots? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] O [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] still donno [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] i want to know...are you cute..are you big ..are you petite..are you thin ..atheletic..long hair...blonde pubes... <-[phoengold]-> Ummm.... how about stilettos? I've got a pair of those too... [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] ahhh [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] i know those [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] so you street walk <-[phoengold]-> Hahahahah... no silly..... <-[phoengold]-> My hair is about shoulder-length.. yeah, I'm pretty thin. I look like miss ethiopia... no hehe j/k [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] u r thin? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] groovy...thin ..black hair.. [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] nice breasts? <-[phoengold]-> Excuse me? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] do you have nice breasts <-[phoengold]-> I don't sit around the house with a mirror all day but then again I've never recieved any complaints =P [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] hahahaha...good one <-[phoengold]-> So what are you like, eh big guy? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] i am yur every fantasy [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] i am funny as shit [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] a real camelian <-[phoengold]-> Fantasy eh? You'll paint my house? =P [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] if that is what you want [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] I am into pleasing my women [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] making them happy ..whatever it takes [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] as lon as i am not taken for granted <-[phoengold]-> Hey, sounds groovy.... you know there is this one thing I'm into that maybe you could help me with... I'm really uncomfortable about talking about it with most guys... [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] what? <-[phoengold]-> But you seem like the really understanding sort.... [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] that i am <-[phoengold]-> Well, I like to suffocate babies with plastic wrap... especially that chortle they make at the end.. what is that, a death rattle? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] and just how many of the kids have you killed [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] and may i have your name address and phone number <-[phoengold]-> Oh, that's only a number... but I'm having trouble keeping a low profile. I was thinking maybe the next time I'm in Dallas YOU could get the babysitting job, and then I could stop by later that night... [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] ur kinda demented...just gimme yer address ..and wait there..someone will be along shortly to help you <-[phoengold]-> Excuse me?? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] what? <-[phoengold]-> See, I told you you wouldn't understand :~( <-[phoengold]-> You'd really enjoy it though, especially when they start to turn this shade of purple.... [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] sick [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] really sick... <-[phoengold]-> Hey, don't knock it until you've tried it. [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] i would rather aficiate you and let it heighten your arrousal while i plunge deeper into your pussy [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] and only let you breath after you cum [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] and you started out so cool [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] damn the luck <-[phoengold]-> You no longer find my hobbies interesting? =( [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] not that one [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] why must all good things turn to shit? <-[phoengold]-> You calling me shit? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] no ..i am calling suffcating babies shit! <-[phoengold]-> Why is suffering babies wrong? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] nevermind.. <-[phoengold]-> They are obscenely pure, don't you see?! [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] i like young ones to lic my cock [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] I like anything to lick my cock [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] so how many babies have you suffocated? <-[phoengold]-> They are obscenley pure and must suffer therefore. [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] hwy not corrupt them [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] use them.. [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] suffocation is no fun <-[phoengold]-> Oh? Do you have something better in mind? =I <-[phoengold]-> You just get the babysitting job, I'll suffocate them, and then you can do whatever you like, deal? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] we can talk about it in bed ..in dallas ...after you fuq me raw [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] i don't wanna play with a dead babie <-[phoengold]-> Why's that? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] don't liek it <-[phoengold]-> I thought you said tormenting babies was wrong? You're quite the trickster, you are =) [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] yeup [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] wanna call me so we can talk abut this further [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] about <-[phoengold]-> Sure! What's your number?? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] (409)846-8459 <-[phoengold]-> Okay, great! I'll do my famous dying baby impression over the phone. [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] cool...when ya gonna call? <-[phoengold]-> How late will you be up? <-[phoengold]-> Wait wait wait, I've got the BEST idea! [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] oh ..i will be at the house at about ..7 till 12 [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] i am in my lab now <-[phoengold]-> The neighbors just brought home a new one... it's about 2 weeks old... and I found a key under the doormat... how about I get a tape recording for you and call you in an hour? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] sure <-[phoengold]-> Wait, is that your home #? [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] yes <-[phoengold]-> Okay, great! Talk to you in an hour big guy! [PhoenGold:britt@TAMU.EDU] ok <-[phoengold]-> It was great chatting with you!! See ya! <-[phoengold]-> Oh, but the best is yet to come... }:) Bye! *** Signoff: ursula (...) .oO[ End Of Transmission ]Oo.