Subject: Breaking PKZIP encryption 25. ***** Q: Where can I find a program to break a PKZIP encryption password? (I zipped a few files awhile ago and password protected the zipped file. The problem is, I forgot the password. Does anyone know of a utility that can get me past the password?) This is a recurring question especially in the comp.compression newsgroup on Usenet. The credibility of this FAQ is low. It is not highly likely that this error of forgetting the zip file password really occurs as often as this question. The blunt response is "Why would one, in the first place, want to use a security feature that can be easily broken?" Yes, brute force programs can be found on the net for that purpose, because the encryption used in PKZIP is not very strong. In particular, if the password that has been used is relatively short it can be broken. If someone points you to the exact location of such a utility, that is no problem for me. But please allow me not to divulge myself information which contains advice involving cracking. --------------------------------------------------------------------