Subject: Unix-like utilities for MS-DOS 19. ***** Q: Where can I find Unix-like utilities for my MS-DOS PC? A: There are often questions asking for Unix-like utilities for MS-DOS, perhaps since many users have a Unix background and would like to use familiar commands. And some of these commands are useful for MS-DOS even if one hasn't used Unix. In fact they can serve as a gentle introduction to Unix. We have for example the following packages at archives in directory /pc/unix: Furthermore there is a large uxutl23*.zip in the /pc/unix directory. The (or whatever is the latest version number) collection by Dan Schikore is yet another, originally dated 12-Nov-90. It is a nice set and includes for example man, head, and tail, which have been sought by many users. The well-known picnix utilities are by Peter Heitman, and date back to 1988. Then there is the Dosnix from G. Vrooman. The oldest collection we have is the also useful by Daniel Norton dating back to 1987. Take a look at /pc/INDEX.ZIP for the full list. Also note that the file contents of the /pc/unix packages at Garbo are available as /pc/unix/ So if you are looking for a single MS-DOS counterpart for a Unix utility, start by taking a look at that list. If you are a Unix person, you might also be interested in the collection of Bourne shell scripts in the /unix/ts directory. --------------------------------------------------------------------