Subject: Capturing text to file from screen 1. ***** Q: I want to capture to a file everything that comes on the screen. How do I do this? A1: There are two sets of programs that are useful here. The first set consists of programs which automatically capture to a file everything that comes on the screen. Examples of these "scrolling" programs are /pc/printer/ (or whatever version is the latest) and /pc/printer/ The second set are the "static" programs which capture a snapshot of the screen, or a portion of the screen at the invocation of a hot key. Get /pc/screen/ for such a utility. Another is /pc/printer/ which redirects the results of pressing the PrintScreen key to a file instead of the printer. A third one is /pc/printer/ Also worth considering is /pc/screen/ Please note that these programs only work for the text mode. They won't capture graphics output. (The same also goes for the next Q&As). +------------------------------------------+ ! To get these and other programs given as ! ! /dir/subdir/name ! ! see the instructions in PD2ANS.TXT ! +------------------------------------------+ A2: How to find MS-DOS files on If you are looking for a particular program at you should start by getting the following files: /pc/INDEX.ZIP /pc/INDEXTS.ZIP For seeing what is new in the /pc/ts directory, get /pc/ts/0news-ts For seeing selected news and reviews of files in all MS-DOS (the /pc) directories, get the following file full of information /pc/pd2/news-pd2 For a monthly raw list of all the new MS-DOS files, get /pc/ --------------------------------------------------------------------