Subject: Problems in Zmodem file transfers 18. ***** Q: How to make Zmodem transfer between a Unix mainframe and my PC? A: You naturally need the Zmodem programs both for your PC and your Unix host. If you don't have them, the PC Zmodem transfer program can be found as 112016 Jun 7 1995 X/Y/ZMODEM driver with graphic file xfer display (or whatever is the current version). For the Unix end of things get The /unix/zmodem/ rzszmake.inf file explains how to install the Unix facilities. Unpacking the PC facilities is standard knowledge, so no more about that. To the the transfers going at the PC end of things you'll find some additional, useful the information in /pc/termutil/, /pc/ts/ (zset.cmd in particular), and also /pc/ts/ (pcpqa.txt in there). These latter two packages concern primarily MsKermit and Procomm, but the Zmodem ideas in them are general. 1) To send an ascii file from your PC to your Unix host you might use at your Unix end just rz and then at your PC gsz port 1 est 0 9600 sz -r -a FileName This would send the file from your PC at 9600 bauds through port 1 using crash recovery and ascii file transfer. 2) To go the other way, for example to send a ascii file from your Unix host to your PC you would first write at your Unix host sz FileName and then at your PC gsz port 1 est 0 9600 rz -y -a r:\ This would send the file from your Unix host using ascii transfer, overwriting, and directory r:\ as the destination. 3) To send a binary file with crash recovery from Unix to PC use sz FileName gsz port 1 est 0 9600 rz -r r:\ It is very difficult to give advice that is generally applicable because there are so many alternatives. One has to rely heavily on experimentation on each different configuration. Prepare a systematical test pattern to go through the all the potential parities, 7/8 bits, and server parameters (if you are running through a server). Such a structured approach has most often (but not always) solved these problems. --------------------------------------------------------------------