Subject: Arced, Zipped etc files 13. ***** Q: What is this file with this .zip (.arc, .arj, .lzh, .pak, .rar, .sdn, .uc2, .zoo etc) extension? What am I supposed to do to it? Q2: I can't run this file I got with a .zip extension. A: This is a PC newcomer's question, but that is perfectly all right. One has to start from somewhere. These files with a .zip (.arc, .arj, .lzh, .pak, .rar, .sdn, .uc2, .zoo etc) extension are compressed collections of files, often called archives. You are not supposed to run a compressed entity. You are supposed to unpack it first to extract the files from within the package. For this you need the relevant (un)packing program. You can find them in the /pc/arcers (some in /pc/goldies, some in /pc/unix) directory at the anonymous ftp site, its mirrors, or at practically any fine bulletin board. (After you have gotten them, they are very easy to process, since most often these utilities are self-extracting). At the time of writing this we have e.g. arc602.exe .arc SEA's .arc packing/unpacking system. .arc Buerg's extraction, also for SEA's new .arc pk361.exe .arc This packed and unpacked .arc files fast arj250a.exe .arj Robert Jung's .arj archiver .(g)z GNU gzip compress, don't confuse with (pk)zip .ha Harri Hirvola's slow but efficient archiver .hpk HPACK Multi-System Archiver lha255b.exe .lzh LHa for .lzh compression pak251.exe .pak NoGate's for pak, arc, sdn, zip, files rar155.exe .rar RAR, Russian archiver by E.Roshal sqz1083e.exe .sqz SQUEEZE from Sweden. uc2pro.exe .uc2 UltraCompressor II archiver pro from AIP-NL ue.exe .uc2 UltraExpander II: free expander for UC2 archives pkz204g.exe .zip PKWare's PKZIP/PKUNZIP 2.04G unz512x.exe .zip Info-ZIP group's 2.04G compatible extractor zoo210.exe .zoo Zoo packing facility from Rahul Dhesi Always use the latest version. For example we have been getting many false alarms of allegedly corrupt .zip packages just because users have been applying out of date PKUNZIP versions. Once you are well familiar with unpacking and packing, there is an excellent shell for running these utilities. It is called SHEZ and is in version at the time I revised this item. Another advanced feature once you get the hang of this, is that (most of) these are available in the Unix environment, as well. See the /unix/arcers directory at archives for the Unix versions. E.g. you can find zoo210.tar.Z in there, etc. See /pc/unix/0news-u for more on the Unix versions. --------------------------------------------------------------------