Subject: Deleting entire subdirectories 12. ***** Q: I need to delete a directory which has files (and perhaps subdirectories) in it. How can I delete without having to go trough them individually. A: It can be done, but note that if you are not VERY CAREFUL you may inadvertently do much harm to your files by deleting more than you intended! There is a utility by Norm Patriquin /pc/dirutil/, which can be used to delete non-empty directories. Another utility, which is handy for many other purposes as well, is with the /pc/pcmagvol collections. Other utilities which you can use for this purpose include TDEL.EXE from, and I use TDEL.EXE myself a lot. One frequent solution is using the Unix like rm command for MS-DOS. Different renditions of rm can are common in the collections in our /pc/unix directory. If you blunder, and delete more files that you intended, then undelete utilities like the one in PcTools or MS-DOS 5.0 (and later) can save you. (The usual disclaimer applies). --------------------------------------------------------------------