Subject: FAQPROGS.TXT contents Copyright (c) 1993-1996 by Timo Salmi All rights reserved FAQPROGS.TXT Frequently (and not so frequently) asked questions relating to programs with answers. Comments and corrections are solicited. .................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi Co-moderator of news:comp.archives.msdos.announce Moderating at ftp:// & archives Department of Accounting and Business Finance ; University of Vaasa BBS 961-3170972; FIN-65101, Finland -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) How do I capture text from the screen to a file? 2) How do I redirect the output from the screen to the printer? 3) How can I direct all output to a file instead of the printer? 4) Where can I get VT102 emulation codes? 5) Problems with Procomm or Telix VT102 emulation. 6) Is there a program to convert Pascal to C? 7) I need a bigger cursor for my laptop. 8) Where to find a source code for detecting which CPU my PC has? 9) Can anyone recommend me a good linear programming package? 10) Where can I find sources for Unix Zmodem? 11) Where can I find sources for Unix arc, lharc, zip, and zoo? 12) How to delete non-empty directories fast? 13) I can't run this file I got with a .zip (.arc etc) extension. 14) What is the best archiver? 15) What is the best text editor? 16) Am I safe against viruses if download files from FTP sites? 17) Where can I find a program to expand the keyboard buffer? 18) How to make z-modem transfer between a Unix mainframe and my PC? 19) Where can I find Unix-like utilities for my MS-DOS PC? 20) How can I hide files and directories? 21) Which is better, Procomm Plus or Telix? 22) How can I restore the original screen when a program muddles it? 23) Where can I find compress for MS-DOS to handle .Z files? 24) I found a bug in a shareware program. How should I report it? 25) Where can I find a program to break a PKZIP encryption password? 26) Where can I find other good programs that are not on this list? --------------------------------------------------------------------