Subject: Substrings from a string 79. ***** Q: How do I extract (parse) substrings from an input string? A: Carefully study these two routines which I have included in 19593 Jun 1 12:12 Deriving IRR from ARR: A Simulation Testbench, TS+IV They use space (and anything in ascii below it) as the separator. Change the while tests if you wish to have a different set of separators. (* Number of substrings in a string *) function PARSENFN (sj : string) : integer; var i, n, p : integer; begin p := Length(sj); n := 0; i := 1; repeat while (sj[i] <= #32) and (i <= p) do Inc(i); if i > p then begin parsenfn := n; exit; end; while (sj[i] > #32) and (i <= p) do Inc(i); Inc(n); if i > p then begin parsenfn := n; exit; end; until false; end; (* parsenfn *) {} (* Get substrings from a string *) function PARSERFN (sj : string; PartNumber : integer) : string; var i, j, n, p : integer; stash : string; begin if (PartNumber < 1) or (PartNumber > PARSENFN(sj)) then begin PARSERFN := ''; exit; end; p := Length(sj); n := 0; i := 1; repeat while (sj[i] <= #32) and (i <= p) do Inc(i); Inc(n); if n = PartNumber then begin j := 0; while (sj[i] > #32) and (i <= p) do begin Inc(j); stash[0] := chr(j); stash[j] := sj[i]; Inc(i); end; PARSERFN := stash; exit; end else while (sj[i] > #32) and (i <= p) do Inc(i); until false; end; (* parserfn *) {} {... A separate, but useful function from the same package ...} (* Delete trailing white spaces etc rubble from a string *) function TRAILFN (sj : string) : string; var i : byte; begin i := Length (sj); while (i > 0) and (sj[i] <= #32) do i := i - 1; sj[0] := chr(i); trailfn := sj; end; (* trailfn *) {} {... Another separate, but useful function from the same package ...} (* Delete leading white spaces etc subble from a string *) function LEADFN (sj : string) : string; var i, p : byte; begin p := Length (sj); i := 1; while (i <= p) and (sj[i] <= #32) do i := i + 1; leadfn := Copy (sj, i, p-i+1); end; (* leadfn *) --------------------------------------------------------------------