Subject: Detecting F11 and F12 78. ***** Q: How do I detect if the F11 or F12 key has been pressed? A: Here is a sample program uses Dos; (* Enhanced keyboard ReadKey, no Crt unit needed. Detects also F11 and F12, and distinguishes between the numeric keypad and the gray keys. Lower part of the word returns the first scan code, the higher part the second *) function RDENKEFN : word; var regs : registers; keyboard : byte absolute $40:$96; begin rdenkefn := 0; if ((keyboard shr 4) and 1) = 0 then exit; FillChar (regs, SizeOf(regs), 0); regs.ah := $10; Intr ($16, regs); rdenkefn :=; end; (* rdenkefn *) {} procedure TEST; var key : word; begin while Lo(key) <> 27 do { esc exits } begin key := RDENKEFN; if (Lo(key) = 0) and (Hi(key) = 133) then writeln ('F11 was pressed'); if (Lo(key) = 0) and (Hi(key) = 134) then writeln ('F12 was pressed'); end; end; {} begin TEST; end. --------------------------------------------------------------------