Subject: Usenet Pascal newsgroups 76. ***** Q: What are the current Pascal newsgroups on the Usenet news? A: The following new Pascal newsgroups were created June 12, 1995 to replace the old comp.lang.pascal. The following new Delphi newsgroups were created around July 10, 1995. A special note about Delphi postings. Please use the new delphi newsgroups for the Delphi related postings. In particular, don't let the names mislead you. The newsgroup comp.lang.pascal.borland does NOT cover Delphi. A second special note. Please avoid crossposting between the Pascal newsgroups. In particular do not crosspost between the old comp.lang.pascal and the new Pascal newsgroups. It is slows the transition to the new system. (This automatic posting breaches the non-crossposting tenet only because it is relevant information about the arrangements of all the Pascal newsgroups.) NEW: comp.lang.pascal.ansi-iso Pascal according to ANSI and ISO standards. comp.lang.pascal.borland Borland's Pascal incl. Turbo Pascal (not Delphi!) comp.lang.pascal.mac Macintosh based Pascals. comp.lang.pascal.misc Pascal in general and ungrouped Pascals. comp.lang.pascal.delphi.databases Database aspects of Borland Delphi. comp.lang.pascal.delphi.components Writing components in Borland Delphi. comp.lang.pascal.delphi.misc General issues with Borland Delphi. RELATED of potential interest: comp.os.msdos.programmer.turbovision Borland's text application libraries OLD: comp.lang.pascal Discussion about Pascal. (Please cease using!) For more information about the new Pascal newsgroups please see 52703 Jun 14 21:37 Information about the comp.lang.pascal.* newsgroups 18086 Jul 11 08:18 Vote results of the comp.lang.pascal.delphi.* newsgroups If your site is not getting the new Pascal newsgroups, please contact your own site's newsmaster about the situation. --------------------------------------------------------------------