Subject: Detecting ANSI.SYS 87. ***** Q: How do I find out if the ANSI.SYS driver has been loaded? A: The source code of the relevant function is given below. However, this is not necessarily a good solution. First, it requires at least MS-DOS version 4.0. Second, there are other, compatible screen drivers like ZANSI.SYS. You probably are more interested if such a screen driver has been installed rather than if it is ANSI.SYS in particular. To find out if any compatible screen driver is operative use ISANSIFN from TSUNTG.TPU from 112570 Aug 16 1994 Turbo Pascal 7.0 real mode units for (real:-) programmers uses Dos; function ANSIOKFN : boolean; var regs : registers; begin if swap(DosVersion) < $0400 then begin writeln ('Error: MS-DOS 4+ required'); ansiokfn := false; halt; end; FillChar (regs, SizeOf(regs), 0); := $1A00; Intr ($2F, regs); ansiokfn := = $FF; end; (* ansiokfn *) --------------------------------------------------------------------