Subject: Calculating date/time differences 57. ***** Q: How can I calculate the difference between two points of time? A: This is an unconfirmed answer so be a little careful with it. But at the very least it shows some interesting information about Turbo Pascal date/time conventions and how to declare and initialize typed constants if they are records. program TimDifTest; uses Dos; const a : DateTime = (year:1992; month:10; day:24; hour:5; min:29; sec:38); b : DateTime = (year:1993; month:11; day:23; hour:6; min:30; sec:51); var aLong, bLong, cLong : longint; c : DateTime; begin PackTime (a, aLong); PackTime (b, bLong); cLong := bLong - aLong; UnpackTime (cLong, c); writeln (c.year-1980, ' ', c.month, ' ',, ' ', c.hour, ' ', c.min, ' ', c.sec); end. More generally than for dates between 1980 and 2079, or for more accurate results, the difference between two date/times can be calculated using Zeller's congruence (see the item "I want code that gives the weekday of the given date"). First calculate Zeller's for both the dates, convert them, and the hour, min, and sec into seconds, subtract, and convert back. --------------------------------------------------------------------