Subject: Reading errorlevel 75. ***** Q: How can I read another program's errorlevel value in TP? A: This question is best answered by an example. Here is a very elementary program that returns errorlevel 14 on exiting. program faq2; begin writeln ('Hello world...'); halt(14); end. Below is the program that calls FAQ2.EXE and detects its errorlevel. {$M 2000,0,0} uses Dos; begin SwapVectors; Exec ('r:\faq2.exe', ''); (* Execution *) SwapVectors; WriteLn('...back from Exec'); if DosError <> 0 then WriteLn('Dos error #', DosError) else WriteLn('Success; child process errorlevel = ', lo(DosExitCode)); end. The output should be Hello world... ...back from Exec Success; child process errorlevel = 14 --------------------------------------------------------------------