Subject: Detecting shift status 65. ***** Q: How can I detect if the shift/ctrl/alt etc key is pressed? I know how to get the scan codes with the ReadKey function, but I can't find the procedure for detecting these keys. A: Detecting pressing the special keys or getting the toggle status cannot be done with ReadKey. You'll need to access the Keyboard Flags Byte at $0040:$0017. You can do this either by a direct "Mem" access, or using interrupt $16 function $02. For more details including the bitfields for the shift flags see in Ralf Brown's interrupt list (or whatever is the current version). For example to see if the alt key is pressed you can use uses Dos; function ALTDOWN : boolean; var regs : registers; begin FillChar (regs, SizeOf(regs), 0); regs.ah := $02; Intr ($16, regs); altdown := ( and $08) = $08; end; For the enhanced keyboard flags see interrupt $16 function $12. It can distinguish also between the right and the left alt and ctlr keys. A tip from Martijn Leisink Be careful [if you use the $0040:$0017 memory position to set a toggle]: On several computers you have to call int 16h after the new setting is shown by the LED's on the keyboard. Not doing so might give the user wrong information. A tip from Dr John Stockton Going via a BytePointer set to Ptr(Seg0040, $0017) is almost as easy as "Mem", and also works in Protected mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------