Subject: Using Turbo Profiler 64. ***** Q: How do I get started with the Turbo Profiler? A: Borland's separate Turbo Profiler is a powerful tool for improving program code and enhancing program performance, but far from an easy to use. It is an advanced tool. In fact setting it up the first time is almost a kind of detective work. Let's walk through the steps with Turbo Profiler version 1.01 to see where a running Turbo Pascal program takes its time. Assume a working directory r:\ 1. Copy the target .PAS file to r:\ 2. Compile it with TURBO.EXE using the following Compiler and Debugger options. The standalone debugging option is crucial. Code generation [ ] Force far calls [X] Word align data [ ] Overlays allowed [ ] 286 instructions Runtime errors Syntax options [ ] Range checking [X] Strict var-strings [X] Stack checking [ ] Complete boolean eval [ ] I/O checking [X] Extended syntax [ ] Overflow checking [ ] Typed @ operator [ ] Open parameters Debugging [X] Debug information Numeric processing [X] Local symbols [ ] 8087/80287 [ ] Emulation Debugging Display swapping [X] Integrated ( ) None [X] Standalone () Smart ( ) Always 3) Call TPROF.EXE 4) Load the .EXE file produced by compilation in item 2. 5) Choose from the TPROF menus Statistics Profiling options... Profile mode () Active ( ) Passive Run count 1 Maximum areas 200 6) Choose from the TPROF menus Options Save options... [X] Options [ ] Layout [ ] Macros Save To r:\ 7) Press Alt-F10 for the Local Menu. Choose Add areas All routines and so on. 8) Choose Run from the TPROF menus (or F9) 9) Choose from the TPROF menus Print Options... Width 80 Height 9999 ( ) Printer ( ) Graphics () File () ASCII Destination File r:\report.lst 10) Print Module... All modules Statistics Overwrite Also see Edward Mitchell (1993), Borland Pascal Developer's Guide. It has a a very instructive chapter "Program Optimization" on the Turbo Profiler. The material in the Turbo Profiler manual is so complicated that additional guidance like Mitchell's is very much needed. --------------------------------------------------------------------