Subject: FAQPAS3.TXT contents Copyright (c) 1993-1996 by Timo Salmi All rights reserved FAQPAS3.TXT The third set of frequently (and not so frequently) asked Turbo Pascal questions with Timo's answers. The items are in no particular order. You are free to quote brief passages from this file provided you clearly indicate the source with a proper acknowledgment. Comments and corrections are solicited. But if you wish to have individual Turbo Pascal consultation, please post your questions to a suitable Usenet newsgroup like news:comp.lang.pascal.borland. It is much more efficient than asking me by email. I'd like to help, but I am very pressed for time. I prefer to pick the questions I answer from the Usenet news. Thus I can answer publicly at one go if I happen to have an answer. Besides, newsgroups have a number of readers who might know a better or an alternative answer. Don't be discouraged, though, if you get a reply like this from me. I am always glad to hear from fellow Turbo Pascal users. .................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi Co-moderator of news:comp.archives.msdos.announce Moderating at ftp:// & archives Department of Accounting and Business Finance ; University of Vaasa BBS 961-3170972; FIN-65101, Finland -------------------------------------------------------------------- 51) I am running out of memory when compiling my large program. 52) How do I avoid scrolling in the last column of the last row? 53) How can one hide (or unhide) a directory using a TP program? 54) How do I test whether a file is already open in a TP program? 55) How can I test and convert a numerical string into a real? 56) How can I reverse a TP .EXE or .TPU back into source code? 57) How can I calculate the difference between two points of time? 58) Is a program running stand-alone or from within the IDE? 59) Please explain Turbo Pascal memory addressing to me. 60) How do I obtain a bit or bits from a byte, a word or a longint? 61) What are Binary Coded Decimals? How to convert them? 62) How can I copy a file in a Turbo Pascal program? 63) How can I use C code in my Turbo Pascal program? 64) How do I get started with the Turbo Profiler? 65) How can I detect if the shift/ctrl/alt etc key is pressed? 66) How do I get a base 10 logarithm in TP? 67) If Delay procedure does not work properly, how do I fix it? 68) How much memory will my TP program require? 69) How to detect if a drive is a CD-ROM drive? 70) How do I convert an array of characters into a string? 71) How do I get started with graphics programming? 72) Where to I find the different sorting source codes? 73) A beginner's how to write and compile units. 74) What are and how do I use pointers? 75) How can I read another program's errorlevel value in TP? --------------------------------------------------------------------