Subject: Primers to interrupt programming 7. ***** Q: What are interrupts and how to use them in Turbo Pascal? A: An interrupt is a signal to the processor from a program, a hardware device, or the processor itself, to suspend temporarily what the program is doing, and to perform a routine that is stored in the operating system. There are 256 such interrupt routines, with many subservices stored in memory at locations, which are given in the so called interrupt table. Turbo Pascal (somewhat like C) has a special keyword Intr, and a predefined variable registers (in the Dos unit) to access these interrupt routines. One way of looking at them is as Turbo Pascal (complicated lowlevel) subroutines that are already there ready for you to call. A detailed description of interrupt routines is way beyond a single message with limited space. Instead, I shall give a simple example, and good references to the subject. (For a somewhat more comprehensive description of what an interrupt is, see INTERRUP.PRI in Ralf Brown's : uses Dos; (* This procedure turns on the border color for CGA and VGA *) procedure BORDER (color : byte); var regs : registers; (* Predeclared in the Dos unit *) begin FillChar (regs, SizeOf(regs), 0); (* A precaution *) := $0B00; (* Service number *) := $00; (* Subservice number *) := color; Intr ($10, regs); (* ROM BIOS video driver interrupt *) end; (* border *) If you are new the subject and / or want ideas on the most useful interrupts in Turbo Pascal programming, Ben Ezzel (1989), Programming the IBM User Interface Using Turbo Pascal, is definitely the best reference to look at. There are also many other good references for a novice interrupt user, such as Jamsa & Nameroff, Turbo Pascal Programmer's Library. If you are a more advanced interrupt user you'll find the following references very useful. Michael Tischer (1990), Turbo Pascal Internals; Norton & Wilton (1988), The New Peter Norton Programmer's guide to the IBM PC & PS/2; Ray Duncan (1988), Advanced MS-DOS Programming; Terry Dettmann (1989), Dos Programmer's Reference, Second edition, Que. Furthermore, there is an impressive list of interrupts collected and maintained by Ralf Brown. His extensive,,,, and (or whatever are the current versions when you read this) is available by anonymous FTP or mail server from A definite must for an advanced user. Also see the reference to Brown's and Kyle's book in the bibliography at the end of this FAQ. There is also a good hypertext advanced programmer's quick reference which you might find useful. One more point for Turbo Pascal users. When Borland upgraded from version 3 to 4.0 quite a number of tasks that needed to be done using interrupts (such as getting the current time) were included as normal TP routines. This means that while definitely useful, interrupt programming is now relevant only in advanced Turbo Pascal programming. Turbo Pascal 5.0 introduced a few more, but you can find some of the missing TP 4.0 routines in the compatibility unit in my TP units collection. --------------------------------------------------------------------