Subject: How to write TSR programs 5. ***** Q: Can someone give me advice for writing a tsr program? A: Writing a terminate and stay resident program can be considered advanced programming and is beyond the scope of an electronic message with limited space. Instead, here are some references to Turbo Pascal books and papers which have a coverage of the subject. Stephen O'Brien, Turbo Pascal, The Complete Reference, Chapter 16; Stephen O'Brien, Turbo Pascal, Advanced Programmer's Guide, Chapter 6; Michael Tischer, Turbo Pascal Internals, Chapter 11 (a definite bible of TP programming!); Michael Tischer (1992), PC Intern System Programming, Chapter 32; Michael Yester, Using Turbo Pascal, Chapter 19; Kent Pottebaum, "Creating TSR Programs with Turbo Pascal", Dr. Dobb's Journal, May 1989 and June 1989; Kris Jamsa, Dos Power User's Guide, pp. 649-; Edward Mitchell (1993), Borland Pascal Developer's Guide, Section "Writing TSRs", pp. 370-400, with 778 lines of sample code. Also see example code files like,,,,,, Furthermore, you should see the TSR.SWG examples in the fine SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group's) collection of TP sources. Available from the /pc/turbopas directory at Garbo. For the current references to the SWAG files see --------------------------------------------------------------------