Subject: Turning off the cursor 21. ***** Q: How do I turn the cursor off? A: The usually advocated trick for turning the cursor off is to equate the lower and the upper scan line of the cursor as explained e.g. in Stephen O'Brien (1988), Turbo Pascal, Advanced Programmer's Guide. uses Dos; var regs : registers; begin := $0100; (* Service $01 *) := $20; (* Top scan line *) := $20; (* Bottom scan line *) Intr ($10, regs); (* ROM BIOS video driver interrupt *) end; To turn the cursor back on this (and many other) sources suggest setting and as 12 and 13 for mono screen, and 6 and 7 for others. This is not a good solution since it is equipment dependent, and may thus produce unexpected results. Better to store the current scan line settings, and turn off the cursor bit. Below is the code from (or whatever version number is the latest) available by anonymous FTP from archives. The general idea is that bit 5 toggles the cursor on / off state. Thus to set the cursor off, apply := or $20; (* $20 = 00100000 *) and to set it on, apply := and $DF; (* $DF = 11011111 *) (* From TSUNTE unit, which also has a CURSON procedure *) procedure CURSOFF; var regs : registers; begin FillChar (regs, SizeOf(regs), 0); (* Initialize, a precaution *) {... find out the current cursor size (, ...} regs.ah := $03; := $00; (* page 1, superfluous because of FillChar *) Intr ($10, regs); (* ROM BIOS video driver interrupt *) {... turn off the cursor without changing its size ...} regs.ah := $01; (* Below are bits 76543210 *) := or $20; (* Turn on bit 5; $20 = 00100000 *) Intr ($10, regs); end; (* cursoff *) A2: A comment from Leonard Erickson Reprinted with permission. There's a *reason* those sources don't suggest storing the current scan line settings. On IBM Monochrome Display Adapters (MDA), Hercules Graphics Cards, and the various clones of both, the "read cursor start and end scan lines" function *always* returns the same values. And those values are almost never the actual settings. Most cards return 6 & 7. Some return 12 & 13. But they return these values even if the cursor has been set to something else. So you are *still* stuck with checking the hardware type if the screen is in mode 7. See the Interrupt list for details on this mess. A3: Another solution that has been suggested is putting the cursor outside the screen. But you can't do this with the Crt's GotoXY procedure, since it ignores off screen positions, as observed by Luiz Marques You'll need to use video interrupt, that is $10, function $02. Fair enough, but somewhat complicated. Besides, how do you write on the screen if the cursor position is off it? A4: This snippet of disabling the cursor at hardware level was posted to comp.lang.pascal (now news:comp.lang.pascal.borland) by Corrections due to John Stockton. John also points out that this probably needs a VGA to work. procedure turn_off_cursor; var num : word; begin port[$03D4]:=$0A; num:=port[$03D5]; port[$03D4]:=$0A; port[$03D5]:=num or 32; end; {} procedure turn_on_cursor; var num : word; begin port[$03D4]:=$0A; num:=port[$03D5]; port[$03D4]:=$0A; port[$03D5]:=num and not 32; end; {} procedure toggle_cursor; var num : word; begin port[$03D4]:=$0A; num:=port[$03D5]; port[$03D4]:=$0A; port[$03D5]:=num xor 32; end; A5: (Not to be taken seriously). Simple, turn off your computer and the cursor stops showing :-). --------------------------------------------------------------------