Subject: Utilizing expanded memory 17. ***** Q: How can I utilize expanded memory (EMS) in my programs? A: I have no experience (yet?) on this subject myself, but I can give you a list of references: Michael Tischer (1990), Turbo Pascal Internals, Abacus, Chapter 9; Michael Tischer (1992), PC Intern System Programming, Chapter 12; Stephen O'Brien (1988), Turbo Pascal, Advanced Programmer's Guide, Borland-Osborne, Chapter 4; Chris Ohlsen & Gary Stoker (1989), Turbo Pascal Advanced Techniques, Que, Chapter 11, Robert Jourdain (1992), Programmer's Problem Solver, 2nd ed., Brady Publishing, pp. 68-87, and, maybe most importantly, Dorfman & Neuberger, Turbo Pascal Memory Management Techniques (with lots of code). Furthermore, Turbo Pascal delivery disks (at least 5.0) contain a demos.arc archive which includes an ems.pas file. --------------------------------------------------------------------