Subject: Testing printer status 15. ***** Q: How can I test that the printer is ready? A: Strictly speaking there is no guaranteed way to detect the printer status on a PC. As Brian Key wrote "Any book dealing with the PC BIOS support of a printer will quickly show you that there is no hardware definition which deals with the printer power status. It simply wasn't designed (and I use the word loosely!) into the IBM hardware specs." The usually advocated method in Turbo Pascal is to test the status of regs.ah after a call to interrupt 17 Hex (the parallel port driver interrupt), service 02: regs.dx := PrinterNumber; (* LPT1 = 0 *) regs.ah := $02; (* var regs : registers, uses DOS *) Intr ($17,regs); (* Interrupt 17 Hex *) status := regs.ah (* var status : byte *) But this is not a good method since the combinations of the status bits which indicate a ready state can vary from printer to printer and PC to PC. If you want a list of the status bits, see e.g. Ray Duncan (1988), Advanced MS-DOS Programming, p. 587. For an example of a code using interrupt 17 Hex see Douglas Stivison (1986), Turbo Pascal Library, pp. 118-120. Also see Michael Yester (1989), Using Turbo Pascal, pp. 494-495. The more generic alternative is to try to write a #13 to the printer having the i/o checking off, that is, while {$I-} is in effect, and testing the IOResult. But then you must first alter the printer retry times default (and restore it afterwards). Else the method can take up to a minute instead of an immediate response. Also, you must have set the FileMode for LPT1 appropriately (and restore it afterwards). Sounds a bit complicated, but you don't have to do all this yourself. There is a boolean function "LPTONLFN Get the online status of the first parallel printer" for this purpose in my (or whatever version number is the latest) Turbo Pascal units collection available by anonymous FTP or mail server from A2: One potential, somewhat advanced solution is to use the Device Driver Control (IOCTL) information. Here is the code. uses Dos; function PRNSTAFN : boolean; var regs : registers; handle : ^word; f : file; begin prnstafn := false; if swap(Dosversion) < $0200 then exit; { At least MS-DOS 2.0 } Assign (f, 'prn'); { Printer } Reset (f); FillChar (regs, SizeOf(regs), 0); { Just to make sure } regs.ah := $44; { Function $44 } := $07; { Subfunction $07 } handle := @f; { Establish a file handle } regs.bx := handle^; Msdos (regs); { Call interrupt $21 } Close (f); if regs.flags and FCarry <> 0 then exit; { Is the carry flag set? } if <> $FF then exit; { = $FF signals success} prnstafn := true; end; (* prnstafn *) {} begin if PRNSTAFN then writeln ('Printer ready') else writeln ('Printer not ready'); readln; end. A3: Another advanced method is using ports. This solution is based on a posting by Joerg Kunze A warning. Do not experiment with the port parameters unless you know exactly what you are doing. A serious loss of data might follow. function PRNON : boolean; var dr : word absolute $40:$08; begin prnon := port[dr+1] and $18=$18; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------